We finally hit NZ soil on the 3rd December after 33 hours and 4 flights, boy did I struggle with it this time. We landed in the South of the South on a beautiful sunny day and just breathed in the amazing fresh air. It's funny what you first notice when in a different country. I remember our first time out in Tbilisi it was the different smells that hit me first. Sitting in the sun today I could smell every little detail of the garden. The freshly mowed grass of the neighbours, the lavender pot and the tomatoes plants, the parsley and the washing blowing In the sea breeze. When we are away we are always asked what we miss the most about home, we always say friends and family but also high up on my list is going to be the amazing smells and fresh clean air of this country.
NZ and where you live sound like an amazing place! Glad you are happy! <3