Monday, 13 January 2014

Bye, Bye New Zealand

Sadly our NZ holiday has come to an end. We have had an amazing time visiting great friends and family.
We had Christmas with family and saw in the New Year with friends, we have been hanging at the beach and camping, swimming, horse riding, walking up Mount Maunganui, eating yummy foods and generally just catching up. The girls have riden bikes, played cricket, screamed and yelled in all of your backyards and just had the best time with their friends.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ruebe-Haigs,

    Happy 2014 to you all. So nice to see such happy smiling girls (let alone how big they are getting!)
    What does 2014 bring for you all? Hope you all had a nice time in NZ.

    Lots of love,

    Nicana x
